“My Shoes So Un-Knightly” Tanka 816

I never bought shoes

from “Knight’s” store downtown Sanford:

that make me so bad?


Old next-door JC Penny’s

with its pneumatic tubes – YES!*


  • (Before the now-mostly defunct department store J.C. Penny & Co. moved from America’s downtowns in the late 1960s and early 1970s the iconic store was on First Street in a burg of about 6- to 10-thousand.  The accounting and payables department was in a loft above the brick buildings only floor shopping area.  A clerk would write up the ticket, put the money, check or whatever in the plastic tube and place that tube into a long plastic holder that was hoisted above ground level and pneumatically carried to the loft: the return receipt came back the same way.  So charming.  I remained fascinated enough watching mom and dad endure the ritual that when I was in junior high and high school before the store moved – first to a shopping strip center and much later to a mall well out-of-town – I would make sure two or three times a year to spend some cash at Penny’s.  Sadly, for a Sanford boy bare feet were preferred and yielded Monday through Fridays nine months a year and Sundays – and sometimes Saturdays – on church and special occasions.  And then came basketball, track, tennis and The Beach.  Tennie-pumps and sneakers and Flip Flops!  Flip Flops.  All the more reason to bypass Knight’s and hit good ol’e J.C.!)