“Do Not Make This Bet” Tanka 3771

(June 13, 2021)

lost clear lens is found;

now hunt up the lost hose-end;

go for trifecta?*

now, aren’t we glad you woke up?

too soon to get that all done!

*(I am a practicing joke-butt. If it can be misplaced or lost I’m your man. I even lost my small flip-blade saw-edge knife…in the pocket in which always I carry said implement. I have the honor to have lost a lifeguard paycheck from the Sanford Navy officer’s pool for three weeks…until my mom finally decided to wash those Levis I had in the car. Envelope was halved and stuck in the back pocket opposite my wallet.)

“Too Much Fashion?” Tanka 3772

(June 13, 2021)

gotta change my habits:

red shorts* and tee shirt one day

gray shirt, socks, shorts next?

really’s just luck of the draw:

rearrange piles already!

*(Actually swim trunks in the red ensemble. Hey, it was Memorial Day, and I had on my USMC Combat Correspondent’s tee and wanted to garden-water without soaking my heavier shorts. Why does it take forever to find suitable shorts not cut for gangbangers? No wonder so many of them are in jail: with no belts and shorts stopping just above the ankles, it’s no doubt all their shoostings are Drive-By…they can’t walk much less run a block with a gun in one hand and their shorts in the other. That “Shoostings” crack credit goes to Insane Shane of WPGS AM 840 up in Mims.)

“Both With Chocolate Cake!”

(June 13, 2021)

even ice-cold beer

quenches not its like from milk

great beer just-chilled…aaah*

*(70 percent dark chocolate with beer and perhaps a snifter of 21-year-old (or younger!) Irish Whiskey (is it just the Brits who spell it with no “e” or was I under the affluenced influence at the time? But still cannot beat tooth-hurtin’ cold milk and a German chocolate cake.)

“With Dispassion” Tanka 3773

(June 14, 2021)

wonder: do they dream

of their betrayals…or mine?

I am’ blessed’ with both.

With dispassion, I’ll not share;

but most loss to me was mine.

*(Two beautiful clear-eyed blondes with humor, grace, great grins, witty and charming brains and a competitive streak suited to their athleticism. Hand-holding and wicked-good adventuring perhaps the most-missed.)

“Note To S.M. Stirliing” Tanka 3774

(June 14, 2021)

This to Steve Stirling –

Coward! You can not abide

what you wreak!

So you build your own true world

and this time you wreck them right!*

*(Finished my first reread of Sky Blue Wolves. Please send my ‘pologies on to Harry Turtledove for the world-wreck comment. Not so sure you head the list, but, give me a few more re-readings and I might so confess. There are a few – not so many really – who get my eyes to water my cheeks: Orson Scott Card, Spider Robinson, RAH – his Admiralness – Mary Alice(?) Norton, Leon Uris, and more; but sir your Change Novels, especially those set around Montival, get the water flowing early and often, with chuckles and guffaws lagniapping merrily away. Thanks. Sure you can’t be talked into a few more?)


Very nice. Will have to come back for a visit when I get all my lapsed chores suitably hidden – been offline for months but no one sequestered my pen and I still have paper about the place.

Dread Poets Sobriety

Good morrow chaps and chapettes and chapsticks, you know who you are.

An analogy I’ve been mentally kicking the tires on of late goes as follows; life is like playdough session. Having never been partial to boxed chocolates one must extrapolate.

Anyway, let’s consider, your parents, (guardians whatever), provide you with what is essentially an arbitrary amount of materials and their corresponding consistencies. Perhaps you’re granted a vast sum of endless colours with perfect chemical makeup. More likely however, it will be of limited supply and perhaps a little dry or mealy.

You then shape your materials based upon your surroundings and any tools you may have been given, before determining how long or even whether to let “dry”. Perhaps that’s not even up to you, or maybe you’re very confidant and fire it, a solid piece but the more set the more difficult to change later.

Finally, you have…

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