
(May 9, 2021)

voyeur* birds pay me

with bath-drink antics each time

I lug them water

*(Sometimes I do not distinguish either myself or the birds with the appellation Voyeur. When the bath-drink fountain outside the front door appears dry or perhaps just too leaf-filled to engender trust, sometimes I hear a squalling squak and my attention on The Book is sundered and I know. I keep a bucket of bird-water beside my comfortable shaded chair and upturned repurposed recycle bin “coffee table” and Cardinals, Jays, Wrens and Finches, and others abandon post on the shorn old branches of the Sabal Palm which shades the front picture window, the sidewalk where I hold court, and I scrape out detritus and add fresh water not just for the birds buy my enjoys as well. Momentarily often teh feathers appear back in their pecking-order parade for ‘their turn’ at the splash-n-sip or versad-vice. Like Cats, whom trains whom? Dogs do not require such effort: they and we have evolved together eye-reads, besides my last best dog – or I hers? – would take my off-wrist in tow and lead me to where she had a chore in need of me. A slice of apple and cheese all she wanted in return for pointing out my rectitude.)

“Thanks, Admiral Bob & Supe-Spider) Tanka 3655

because There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch and the book Free Lunch as dialog over the age.


(May 9, 2021)

afraid of my Friends

and with some damfine reasons

some afraid for me

those are the ones I must* trust:

not even Demi-Lunches free!*

*(Last line one syllable too long: “Even Demi-Lunch not Free!

*(either Must Trust or Most Trust – I lean to Most…first line of tanka couplet.

All is a riff on Robert Anson Heinlein’s TANSTAAFL, wonderfully explored by Spider Robinson…want to know the acronym: lookitup!

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“Thanks, Admiral Bob & Supe-Spider) Tanka 3655

(May 9, 2021)

afraid of my Friends

and with some damfine reasons

some afraid for me

those are the ones I must* trust:

not even Demi-Lunches free!*

*(Last line one syllable too long: “Even Demi-Lunch not Free!

*(either Must Trust or Most Trust – I lean to Most…first line of tanka couplet.

All is a riff on Robert Anson Heinlein’s TANSTAAFL, wonderfully explored by Spider Robinson…want to know the acronym: lookitup!